Ker si ravno pri kuharski temi... Po e-pošti že leta dobivam Macmillan English Update - prijetne in uporabne stvari za v razred. No, v rubriki 'word-of-the-week' je ta teden 'fridge-Googling' - 'looking for a recipe on the Internet by doing a Google search based on the words which describe the food left in your fridge' ( Hecna ideja, ne?
2 komentarja:
Ker si ravno pri kuharski temi... Po e-pošti že leta dobivam Macmillan English Update - prijetne in uporabne stvari za v razred. No, v rubriki 'word-of-the-week' je ta teden 'fridge-Googling' - 'looking for a recipe on the Internet by doing a Google search based on the words which describe the food left in your fridge' ( Hecna ideja, ne?
Ja, Saša, tudi jaz sem opazila ta članek. Sedaj veste, kako zelo ustvarjalna kuharica sem. ;-)
Ta tvoja slikica je pa super!
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