15 maj 2007

CONNECT: Conversations on Networking, Education, Communities, and Technology

Objavljam vabilce Vancea Stevensa na spletno konferenco skupnosti Webheads In Action. Potekala bo ta vikend, dostop je prost. Lani je bilo zelo zabavno :-). Če vas zanima pa ne utegnete nič hudega - vse bo posneto in na razpolago tudi kasneje.
Hi and sorry if you're seeing this on numerous lists, but I want to remind you of the free online conference starting in a few days, May 17/18-20.

Our theme this year is CONNECT: Conversations on Networking, Education, Communities, and Technology, and though not specifically mentioned in the theme, many members of the Webheads community of practice, http://webheads.info, are practitioners in language learning.

This is the second time our community has hosted a free online conference. You can replay the first one at http://2005.wiaoc.org

This year we kick off in a pre-show event at 22:00 GMT May 17, with the start of a Webcastathon hosted by http://www.worldbridges.net. The conference itself starts at midnight GMT May 18 with a keynote speech by Leigh Blackall and continues for three days with more talks by Stephen Downes, George Siemens, Etienne Wenger, Robin Good, Barbara Ganley, Teemu Leinonen, and many other presenters whom you can see on the schedule at http://schedule.wiaoc.org.

To attend the conference you can register for free at http://www.webheadsinaction.org and use the calendar there or the schedule link above, or our online help pages, to work out how to access the presentations and make comments or join forums. The will be a voice stream of most events available at http://www.webheadsinaction.org , as well a live chatroom for use during the conference, and we hope to have someone live online available to assist you at any time during the conference at http://www.tappedin.org

We look forward to your joining us May 17/18-20 for this unique adventure in online professional development. We hope it will be educational and F.U.N.

Please send this out to any others you think might be interested.

Vance Stevens

1 komentar:

Vida pravi ...

Po dolgem času spet berem dnevnik in sem navdušena nad informacijami, ki sta jih s Šarolto objavili. Kako uporabno! Hvala.