08 december 2008

Electronic Village Online 09

Bliža se novo leto in z njim tradicionalne EVO delavnice. V preteklosti nas je kar nekaj že tam paslo firbec, tkalo nova poznanstva ter nabiralo navdih in IKT znanja. Oglejte si vabilce v nadaljevanju in si postrezite - prepričana sem, da boste našli kaj za vašo dušo. Jaz imam vsako leto isti problem - preveč zanimivega. ;-) Upam, da se srečamo.

The CALL Interest Section of the international TESOL professional association is pleased to offer the opportunity to participate in the Electronic Village Online (EVO) 2009 sessions. This is a professional development project and virtual extension of the TESOL 2009 Convention in Denver, CO . The intended audience for this project includes both TESOL 2009 participants and those who can participate only virtually.

You do not need to be a TESOL member to participate in a free, six-week, wholly online session of the EVO, Jan 12 -Feb 22, 2009. Please visit our Announcement Web page to select one among the various offerings.

Yours in TESOL,

Dafne Gonzalez
On behalf of
The EVO coordination team

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