18 februar 2006

If we cannot state what is needed in tertiary LSP education, who can?

Slučajno sem naletela na članke conference jezika stroke iz leta 2003 in med njimi na članek Richarda J. Alexandera "A candid assessment of can-do statements in relation to LSP syllabuses." Citiram njegov zaključek.

The main point to be emphasized is that Can-do statements and the Common European Framework can be most usefully viewed as guides. Like a guide to a place (Michelin for example) they can lay out the parameters within which the visit might take place, they can even propose a likely itinerary or a selection of places to view if time is brief. But it is up to the visitor to use the guide to pursue their own individual interests and purposes. So it goes with Can-do statements. We will all have our individual or institutional priorities.

We can also link our remarks to the plans which education ministers have begun to develop under the heading of the "Bologna process". Consider the Council of Ministers’ Action plan for mobility and especially Measure 421, which makes explicit reference to language certification: “Recognised experience: issue by the Member State’s competent authorities of a document certifying the skills acquired during mobility, in particular in the field of languages, and acceptance by the authorities of the country of origin of the study or training periods successfully completed in mobility.”

Many LSP practitioners are working towards such certification procedures. Refining and developing Can-Do statements may at this point in time appear to be a very tangential connection to this project. However, I would argue that, quite to the contrary, Can-Do statements together with the developments of specific purposes Language Portfolio studies (a further Council of Europe focus) is an area to which LSP teachers and researchers and institutions that specialize in delivering such systems and syllabuses need to be making a significant contribution.

We should be proactively shaping and forming the discussions, not sitting back and candidly or naively waiting for some bureaucratic procedure to direct us to the objective. After all, if we the researchers at the leading or cutting edge of this field cannot state what is needed in language proficiency terms for business languages in tertiary education, who can?

(Alexander, R. J. A candid assessment of can-do statements in relation to LSP syllabuses,. V Ahmad K. in Rogers, M. New Directions in LSP studies. Proceedings of the 14th European Symposium on Language for Special Purposes 2003. str.266-267)

Kaj pravite?

3 komentarji:

Anonimni pravi ...

Mislim, da bi tudi za to (ne le za status učiteljev v okviru Bolognske deklaracije, potrebovali kontaktn osebo oz. skupino v okviru SDUTSJ. Pravzaprav se je le-ta že začela oblikovati z načrti o 'posnetku stanja znanja' naših študentov.


Unknown pravi ...

Šarolta, našla si krasen zapis in seveda zopet si čisto "slučajno" naletela nanj.
Mislim, da bi bila to naslednja stopnja po pismu na RIC: izbor Can do statements iz CEF kot cilj, h kateremu teži LSP program. Sicer bo to zahtevalo sprehod skozi ogromno jezikovnih podpodročij, znotraj katerih je cela vrsta Can do statements. Toda če si razdelite ta podpodročja in se potem nekajkrat sestanete (dopisujete), da najdete kompromis, bi bilo lahko izvedljivo. Mogoče bo nekoliko vprašljiva nezastopanost vseh fakultet ali visokih šol, toda ni važno, se bodo vključili po želji kasneje ali pa pač ne.

Sarolta pravi ...

Kak sem vesela, da sta se odzvali in da tudi druge vidite povezavo z našimi prizadevanji. Duba, strinjam se s tabo, da je sedanji projekt povod v nadaljevanje dela na področju učnih načrtov, can-do statements,... Ja, imaš prav, potrebujemo osebo, ki bo ta projekt vodila. Melita, ti veš na tem področju največ. Poskusile smo pred dvemi leti in ni steklo. Imam občutek, da je sedaj drugače in bi sedaj stvar lahko stekla. Vedno bolj smiselna postaja v našem kontekstu. Verjamem, da si ti ta prava.