
Veselo branje!
This web journal is dedicated to publishing research in the fields of TESOL and Applied Linguistics. Its mission is two-fold: 1) to promote efficient dissemination of research, and 2) to facilitate academic exchange between the TESOL/ Applied Linguistics students/ faculty and members of the profession world-wide. Within a conceptual framework that values an integration of theory and practice, the journal publishes full-length articles dealing, in a principled way, with language, language acquisition, language teaching, and language assessment. The journal particularly welcomes submissions in the following areas: second language acquisition, second language assessment, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, second language instruction and second language teacher education. Reviews of books in these areas are also welcomed.Priporočam!
Special Topic Issue, Autumn 2008
Edited by Rob Waring
Reading in a Foreign Language announces a call for papers for the Autumn 2008 special topic issue on reading and vocabulary. This issue of RFL is devoted to publishing articles that are concerned with all aspects of reading and vocabulary. Specifically, we solicit papers coveringQuestions, proposals and submissions should be directed to the Editor.
- vocabulary development through reading
- the relationship between vocabulary and reading
- vocabulary and the teaching of reading.
- reading vocabularies
Contributors are advised to read our submission guidelines for information on RFL's submission policies. All submissions must be received by Professor Waring no later than January 31, 2008.
Če spremljaš prijatelja, noben ovinek ni predolg.
Lev Tolstoj
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Ali je konec predstavitve tako pomemben tudi za vas? Do neke mere se verjetno lahko strinjamo s Kathy Sierra, da je konec lahko zelo pomemben s stališča poslušalca oz. uporabnika. Pa vendar: ali res tako zelo? Njeno razmišljanje si lahko preberete v blogu Creating Passionate Users.
the underlying principles being that language is used to learn as well as to communicate and that it is the subject matter which determines the language that students need to learn. However, this lesson also attempts to follow the 4Cs curriculum in that it includes Content, Communication, Cognition and Culture, and includes elements of all four language skills.WOW! To je pa novo!! Ha, pa se tu ne konča. Gradivo, ki ga je spisal in ki naj bi vse to zajemalo in bilo svetel primer za CLIL najdete tule (je v PDF obliki). Govori o geografiji Vankuvra. Je mar to tisto, kar naj bi geograf učil dijakom 3. ali 4. letnika srednje šole (gre namreč za dijake na nivoju jezikovnem znanju intermediate oz. višje)? Kaj ni to gradivo malce poenostavljeno z vidika geografa? Pa le zakaj bi se učili geografijo Vankuvra? Sama zasledim precej neskladja med cilji in njihovim doseganjem. Res me zanima vaše mnenje. Se motim?
Ker bralcu to verjetno ni dovolj jasna razlaga, ali ker morebiti učitelji potrebujemo več prepričevanja, pozneje ponovi razloge za bilingvalno učenje:Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), in which pupils learn a subject through the medium of a foreign language, has a major contribution to make to the Union’s language learning goals. It can provide effective opportunities for pupils to use their new language skills now, rather than learn them now for use later. It opens doors on languages for a broader range of learners, nurturing self-confidence in young learners and those who have not responded well to formal language instruction in general education. It provides exposure to the language without requiring extra time in the curriculum, which can be of particular interest in vocational settings. The introduction of CLIL approaches into an institution can be facilitated by the presence of trained teachers who are native speakers of the vehicular language.
Bilingual teaching approaches, particularly aimed at Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), are demonstrating many advantages, especially in increasing language diversity, improving motivation for language learning, and introducing a more international perspective. These approaches have emerged from the great diversity of methodologies across Europe. Traditionally, second languages were taught through grammar study and translation. In recent decades, this has often been replaced by communicative language teaching, which stresses oral skills, and competence in transactions and interactions, though some teachers still use grammar study to complement the development of oral work.
A key weakness of the communicative approach has been its relation to content. In it, the topic for language study often involves the learner as host or tourist, which in some cases can be very successful. In the early stages of language learning, in particular, this content may enhance learners’ motivation. However, there is evidence that in sustained teaching, such content can pall and result in demotivated learners, leading to disappointing linguistic progression. There is also evidence that by continuing to work and think through this limited content, learners can lose opportunities to develop thinking and learning skills that generate more advanced language competence.
Content and Language Integrated Learning addresses both these issues, and others, by providing a more content-rich environment for language learning and teaching. CLIL builds from the communicative approach and has a developed programmatic research base. It is necessary, therefore, that more teachers are trained to use it. There are various models of CLIL, which can be adapted for various age phases of education, and for contexts, which include regional languages, bilingual states, national languages and full international languages. At the same time as addressing language learning needs, CLIL has a major focus on the content based disciplines, such as history, geography, with which it is used. These issues lie outside the remit of this report, but in some senses, CLIL has the potential to enable teaching in all disciplines to contribute to language learning. It also has the potential to extend language diversity, especially in situations where specialist language teaching is unavailable.
Kaj vas ne pogreje to poenostavljanje? To povzdigovanje nekega pristopa tako, da se potiska nekaj drugega v blato in se ga razglasi za neuspešnega?
Provision to train teachers in CLIL approaches should be increased.Ja, kar politiki se bodo odločali o tem. Kot slišim, marsikje pa že pripravljajo programe za učitelje, v končni fazi je izobraževanje le biznis, ki deluje na podlagi zakonitosti trga, mar ne? Ben, vsaj za nekatere.
Znak je semantično sestavljen iz treh abstraktnih podob:
jezik = drevo
komunikacija = dve barvni liniji
slovensko društvo = lipov list
Celota je podkrepljena z abstraktno podobo grla in jezika.
Zelena barva lista postaja polje komunikacije, je stičišče rumene in
modre barvne linije (ti sta komplementarni, skupaj pa s fi zičnim
mešanjem dajeta zeleno barvo). Tako simbolično znotraj društva
nastaja polje konstruktivne komunikacije.
Postavitev teksta levo in desno od znaka podkrepi nastali sistem
tako, da se slovensko ime drušva povezuje z modro linijo, angleško
ime pa z rumeno linijo komunikacije.
Medtem ko slovenska blogosfera na veliko razpravlja, kako ne premoremo kakšnih strokovnih blogov (z izjemo enega političniga in enega finančnega), ste ve angažirane, resne in fajn. In tega nihče ne ve.Njen komentar je dejansko načel vprašanje, ki se tiče vseh nas. Gre za odpiranje duri še drugim učiteljem, strokovnjakom in drugim, ki bi jih teme, o katerih pišemo znale zanimati. Malce svežega, morebiti novega vetra, elana.
Če želite slišati druga mnenja, doseči zunanje bralce in dobiti več komentarjev, predlagam (nenazadnje promoviram tudi svojo mati), da se polinkate z SI.BLOGS.
Ker se blogerski duh razcveta tudi v naših krajih, bi vas rada opozorila na prijazen raziskovalni vodič, ki nas popelje skozi uporabo blogov, wikijev, podcastov, RSS virov, agregatov itd. v izobraževanju. Dosegljiv je na http://www.tltgroup.org/ProFacDev/BLOGSetc.htm
Tu najdemo informacije o posameznih odrodjih, povezave na dobre izhodiščne poti za prve samostojne korake, praktične primere rabe, primerjave med različnimi ponudniki in gostitelji posameznih orodij, tudi nekaj testnih okolij, kjer se lahko malce poigramo, in zanimive primere nadgradnje.
Pregledno in uporabno.
From 9 – 11 November, 2006 the International Conference ‘Learning Communities – Cyberspace as a New Space for Learning and Knowledge’ will take place at Klagenfurt University. Abstracts (max. 1500 characters) are to be handed in until May 15, 2006 with reference to the following subject areas:
• Collaborative learning in apprenticeship and further education
• E-learning-projects in schools, universities and companies
• Virtual learning and knowledge-platforms
• Learning in contemporary society
• Intercultural learning online
• Innovative e-learning-concepts
• Collaborative learning in specific fields, e. g. e-business, civil society, etc.
• Knowledge management
• Learning theories and online-learning
• The Internet as a space for learning and knowledge
Please register at: http://www.learning-communities.at .
What makes an accomplished TESOL teacher in Australia?Dispositions towards TESOL
1. TESOL teachers espouse the values of cultural inclusivity, multiculturalism, multilingualism, reconciliation and anti-racism.
2. TESOL teachers appreciate the pivotal role of language and culture in learning, teaching and socialisation.
3. TESOL teachers commit to reflective practice and program evaluation that is responsive to students' cultural and linguistic history and environment.Understandings about TESOL
1. TESOL teachers are familiar with and can critique existing provisions, policies, and curriculum and assessment frameworks.
2. TESOL teachers understand the linguistic, cultural and contextual factors involved in the development of English as an additional language.
3. TESOL teachers know a range of teaching and assessment practices and resources, and can evaluate them in terms of the context.Skills in TESOL
- TESOL teachers respond to students' experiences and aspirations by developing appropriate educational provisions.
- TESOL teachers appropriately select and sequence language and culture content to provide for and critique meaning-making in diverse texts and contexts.
- TESOL teachers scaffold students' learning and English language development through appropriate classroom interaction, negotiation, teaching strategies, activities, materials and assessment.
"Together, all this leads to the important conclusion that expertise in a subject means being able to use its discourses in the specific ways that one's readers are likely to find effective and persuasive. While we may often talk about reports, memos, oral presentations, and so on as overarching genres and universal skills, these take on meaning only when they are situated in real contexts of use. Put simply, students do not learn in a cultural vacuum: their disciplinary activities are a central part of their engagement with others in their disciplines and they communicate effectively only by using its particular conventions appropriately.
ESP therefore involves developing new kinds of literacy, equipping students with the communicative skills to participate in particular academic and professional contexts. Establishing exactly what are the specific language, skills, and genres of particular groups on which we need to base learning priorities may well be expensive, time consuming and skill-intensive. But it is this research which both makes our teaching effective and our practices professional, and we should not give these up easily. There is, then, only one possible response to the question posed in the title of this paper: effective language teaching in the universities involves taking specificity seriously: It means we must go as far as we can." (Hyland, 2002:393-394)